Reflective Journal Week 2


Week 2 (31/10/2022- 4/11/2022)

Successfully completed second week of my teaching practice. There was a lot of special moments in this week. The first day itself, that is 31/10/2022, our optional teacher came to our school for observation. We were really got tensed as we were not expecting her this soon and also, we don't get enough time to adjust with students. Only two days of class was taken until then. But I think had done a great job. Still there are things that I need to work on, in order to strengthen my teaching career. She has given many comments both positive and negative. I got many classes this week. Both regular classes and extra classes. Also, free periods to other classes. Students are now little obedient. I think I improved my skill in managing the classroom. In this week we had organized a poster making competition on 1/11/2022 and an awareness class on 4/11/2022 as part of Anti- Drug Campaign 2022. All B.Ed. trainees worked very well and executed the programme successfully. We had done these programs as part of our school-based activity and conscientization program. We were also given prizes to the winners of poster making competition. School authorities also organized many programs like pledge taking against drug, "manushya changala", lighting the candle and signing ceremony etc. In this week, I have observed 3 classes of my peers. I have learned a lot from their classes which I would love to implement in my future classes also. Since November 1 is Kerala Piravi, we celebrated it by wearing traditional dresses and conducted special assembly. Also distributed payasam to all.
This week is also little challenging but very entertaining, because of students.


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